Suggested structure of Research Report for Research and Analysis Project (RAP)
The RAP is the last component necessary for completion of the BSc degree and it consist of two parts: the Research Report (7,500 words) and the Skills and Learning Statement (SLS) (2,000 words). The OBU recommends that the student follow the proposed structure and approximate word distribution for the Research Report. This allows the student to show all of the required technical, professional and graduate skills in a sufficient manner.
The work count includes everything from the title page to the end of the conclusion. Important note: all the words included in the tables, graphs, and pictures in the body of text of the report also fall in the overall word count. The appendices, including the financial statements used, and list of references are not a part of the word count. The Title Page needs to include the student’s ACCA number.
If the Research Report has no more than 7,000 words, it will most likely fail.
The suggested structure for the Research Report is the following:
Title Page
Cover page should at least contain title of the topic e.g. topic 8 “An evaluation of the business and financial performance of ABC (company name) between 01 July 2016 to 30 June 2019″, ACCA registration number, word count, title of the report i.e. Research Report” and it is also better to mention somewhere in cover pg. name of Oxford Brookes University.
Students can use in built cover page options of Ms. word. short cut key is “Alt+N+V”. Students can also take some relevant picture related to your topic from internet but it should relevant to either their selected topic or company.
Important Note: As per OBU requirements (mentioned in Information Pack of OBU as well), student cannot provide his / her name, project mentor name or any other identification in entire project except providing ACCA Reg. number. Kindly adhere this important requirement.
List of abbreviations: Although providing abbreviation at the start of the report is not mandatory but it is good practice for presentation of the report. To get good grades in your RAP, we always suggest our students to provide list of abbreviations at the start of Research Report.
Contents Page / Table of Content
Structure – PART 1 – Project objectives and overall research approach – approx. 1,000 words: The first part of the Research Report ‘sets the scene’. It should include the following (1) Reasons for selecting the project topic and the selection of the particular company that has been the subject of the research work; (2) The aims of the research work, the project goals and objectives, and proposed research questions; (3) Explanation of the overall research approach. This needs to provide an understanding in the overall framework that the student has developed for meeting the project goals and objectives and providing the answers to the research questions.
Structure – PART 2 – Information gathering and accounting / business techniques – approx. 2,000 words: The second part of the Research Report needs to provide more details about (I) the gathered information and (II) the accounting and business techniques the student has chosen to apply to this information. It should include the following (1) Sources of information used for the collection of the important information; (2) Description of the used methods for gathering information, online access included; (3) Discussion on the limitations encountered during the gathering of information; (4) Identifying any potential ethical issues that have arisen during the gathering of information and their resolution; (5) Explanation of the accounting and business techniques that were used, including a discussion of their limitations.
Structure – PART 3 – Results, analysis, conclusions and recommendations – approx. 4,500 words: The third part of the Research Report needs to provide a detailed account of what the student has found from the application of your chosen accounting and business techniques to the gathered information. It should include: (1) Description of the obtained results and any possible limitations; (2) A presentation of the obtained results in an appropriate manner: tables, graphs, pie charts, bar charts; (3) Critical analysis and evaluation of the results that include an explanation of the significant findings; (4) The student’s conclusions about the findings from the research and how well have the project objectives been met and research questions appropriately answered; and (5) If applicable, some recommendations on specific courses of action to individuals within the selected company.
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Important Links
- Our Services
- Overview of each topic
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- BSC Degree (ACCA Web Link)
- Role of Project Mentor
- RAP Submission Dates
- OBU Rules and Regulations
- OBU Website
- RAP Submission Link
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