What are the main sources of SLS that enable student to pass Research and Analysis Project (RAP) in first attempt?
When the student plans their research, they need to plan to collect some evidence that will contribute to the Skills and Learning Statement, and the self-reflection will contain more than simply explaining the activities taken to prepare the Research Report. An important part of the overall activities are the three meetings with the Mentor. If the student reflects on the events and thoughts that have happened during these meetings, and record this soon after the end of the meetings, the student will be able to easily write the answers to half the questions of the SLS.
Different sources that can contribute to the evidence necessary for answering the SLS questions are the meetings with different people that the student has interviewed as part of the research, or even correspondence with different people during the process of gathering information. The student needs to think of every aspect of the project research work and the manner in which this can be of help during writing the answers to the SLS questions.
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