Overview of all 20 topics for ACCA students for Research and Analysis Project (RAP) of Oxford Brookes University (OBU)
ACCA eligible students (click here to check eligibility criteria for availing BSc. Hons in Applied Accounting Degree based on ACCA) who wishes to submit a Research and Analysis Project (RAP) to the Oxford Brookes University (OBU) is required to select one of the twenty proposed topics and base the RAP only one topic without changing title of the topic.
Click here for detailed guidance for each topic.
Students should choose topic keeping in consideration of their interest for respective area. Broad categories of all twenty topics are as follows;
Financial Report (topic 3, 4,5,7,8,12)
3. An assessment of the potential impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation.
4. Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance of an organisation which has performed exceptionally poorly over a three-year period with a critical analysis of the reasons for its difficulties.
5. Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance of an organisation which has performed exceptionally well over a three-year period with a critical analysis of the reasons for its success.
7. A critical evaluation of the restructuring of an organisation’s operational activities and the effect on the organisation’s financial performance.
8. Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance over a three year period of an organisation operating in a sector that has faced strategic and operational challenges with an emphasis on how management have addressed these challenges.
12. An investigation into the possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organisation.
Data Analystics (topic 15)
15. Analyse and evaluate the business and financial performance over a three year period of an organisation operating in a sector that has faced strategic and operational challenges with an emphasis on how management have addressed these challenges.
Information System (topic 2,9)
2. An evaluation of how the introduction of a new technology can assist an organisation in achieving its business objectives.
9. A critical evaluation of the planning and implementation of an information system in an organisation.
Human Resource (HR) (topic 6,13)
6. A critical review of key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organisation.
13. An evaluation of the contribution made by human resource activities to the attainment of business and financial objectives.
Management Accounting (topic 1, 10)
1. An analysis and evaluation of an organisation’s budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making.
10. A review of the effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organisation.
Financial Management (topic 14.15,16,19)
14. An appraisal of the business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organisation and its impact on key stakeholders.
16. A critical evaluation of the financial and operational risk management within an organisation.
19. An analysis and evaluation of the financial and operational consequences of a merger between two organisations or of the acquisition of one organisation by another.
Marketing (topic 18)
18. A review of the marketing strategy of an organisation and its effectiveness.
Audit (topic 11)
11. An investigation into the financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an organisation.
Corporate Governance and Law (topic 3, 17,20)
3. An assessment of the potential impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organisation.
17. Select an organisation that has been identified as having weak corporate governance structures within the past 5 years. Critically evaluate their corporate governance practices including an assessment of the origins of the corporate governance issue(s) and the organisation’s response.
20. Select an organisation that has been identified as having weak social responsibility practices within the past 5 years. Critically evaluate their social responsibility practices, including an assessment of the origins of the problem(s) and the organisation’s response and the impact of this on the organisation’s key stakeholders.
If the student selects topic 4,5 or 8, they need to be certain that they use the latest 3 years financial statements available at the start of the submission period (for a first time submission or a re-submission of a RAP on a new topic).
In the case of re-submission, it is not required to use the latest financial statement , only in the case of re-submission within the next four submission periods starting from the original submission date. This applies only in the chance of re-submission of the same topic and company. If the student has selected to change the topic and company, then the latest financial statements need to be used.
For all the other topics , the student needs to base the work on the most recent activities instead of some historical events. (For this purpose, the term “historical” refers to activities that occurred full three calendar years before the start of the current submission period.)
For ensuring the success in RAP, there are two critical aspects:
- The RAP needs to be aimed at a single company.
- The analysis needs to be a business analysis instead of just a financial analysis.
Click here for detail about complete guidance of Research and Analysis Project
Important Links
- Our Services
- Overview of each topic
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- BSC Degree (ACCA Web Link)
- Role of Project Mentor
- RAP Submission Dates
- OBU Rules and Regulations
- OBU Website
- RAP Submission Link
Click here to access Registration Form.