
Webinar Series of 2021_Oxford Brookes University

In the period January – April (2021) ACCA and Oxford Brookes University will be presenting a series of webinars relating to the BSc Applied Accounting.  The links to register for the webinars are provided below and I have attached a flyer. By registering students will have the opportunity to attend live, or access on-demand (recorded) version of the event  There is no charge for these events.

Please do promote these events to students through your own networks. Students will also receive emails from ACCA about this and there is the opportunity to book via the OBU web pages.

Webcast Title: What is the BSc in Applied Accounting?

This webinar is a general awareness raising information session aimed at students who might be thinking of submitting a RAP in 12 months (starting Applied Skills examinations).

Webcast Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

Audience URL: Use this link to register for the webinar


The four webinars (below) provide more detailed advice and guidance on the RAP and are designed to support students who are intending to submit in May 2021.  Of course, any student or mentor is welcome to attend.  There is an opportunity for Q&A in the live event and I will circulate a summary of questions asked after the event.

Webcast Title: Getting started on the Research and Analysis Project
Webcast Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

Audience URL: Use this link to register for the webinar

Webcast Title: Analysis, evaluation and critical writing for Research and Analysis Projects
Webcast Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

 Audience URL: Use this link to register for the webinar



Webcast Title: Reflective Writing and Skills and Learning Statement
Webcast Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

Audience URL: Use this link to register for the webinar



Webcast Title: Getting ready to submit your RAP? Tips and Hints
Webcast Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

Audience URL: Use this link to register for the event


There is also a webinar designed to support those who wish to resubmit their RAP.  This is advertised to those who are not successful in P41, but any student is welcome to register.

Webcast Title: Resubmission of a Research and Analysis Project

Webcast Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 09:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time

Audience URL: Use this link to register for the webinar .



Click here for detail about complete guidance of Research and Analysis Project

Important Links

Click here to access Registration Form.