
Online Mentoring Network of OBU for ACCA Students

Our network of OBU Online Mentoring offers services to students located all over the world rather than few regions or areas, so we support students regardless of their geographical location. The Oxford Brookes University (OBU) authorises 20 topics for Research and Analysis Projects (RAP) and our professionals (i.e. project mentors) have the necessary abilities and vast experience to mentor our students (mentees) on any authorised topic, while keeping in consideration all the predetermined requirements of OBU for any specific topic along with the factors related with some specific countries due to their overall economic situations and regulatory requirements.

We are currently offering  mentoring services in following regions/countries:

 Asia  Africa  Europe  North America  South America  Australia and Oceania
Afghanistan Botswana Albania Antigua Argentina Australia
Armenia Burkina Faso Austria Bahamas Brazil New Zealand
Azerbaijan Cameroon Belarus Barbados Guyana
Bahrain Egypt Belgium Belize Suriname
Bangladesh Eritrea Bosnia-Herzegovina Bermuda
Brunei Ethiopia Bulgaria British Virgin Islands
Cambodia Gambia Croatia Canada
China Ghana Czech Rep. Cayman
Cyprus Kenya Estonia Dominica
Georgia Lesotho France Grenada
Hong Kong Liberia Germany Jamaica
India Malawi Gibraltar Montserrat
Indonesia Mauritius Greece Tobago
Iran Mozambique Hungary Trinidad
Israel Namibia Italy Turk and Caicos
Japan Nigeria Kosovo USA
Jordan Rwanda Latvia West Indies
Kazakhstan Seychelles Lithuania
Kuwait Sierra Leone Luxembourg
Macau SAR Somalia Macedonia
Malaysia South Africa Malta
Maldives Sudan Moldova
Mongolia Sierra Leone Netherlands
Myanmar Swaziland Poland
Nepal Tanzania Romania
Oman Togo Serbia
Pakistan Uganda Slovakia
Qatar Zambia Switzerland
Russia Zimbabwe UK
Saudi Arabia Ukraine
Sri Lanka

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Click here for detail about complete guidance of Research and Analysis Project

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